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May Day May Day | Episode 11
Our Leaders Have No Integrity
I Am Anxious About the Future of America
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It seems as though every time I open my iPad to a newspaper, Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok, there is yet another example of the lack of integrity in our country’s leadership. At both the state and national levels of government, there are far too many players willing to set aside what’s best for our country.
They focus on limiting LGBTQ rights, or what they construe as offensive in the literature that has been the basis of our educational system for years. They introduce laws to strip away parents' rights at every turn. They ban any books that might offer a young person solace, and refuse to address the proliferation of weapons of war blaming violence on the very mental illnesses their narrow-mindedness exacerbates.
More than half of Americans oppose bills targeting the LGBTQ community.¹ While over 70% believe we need stronger gun laws.²
They spend hours drafting legislation to curtail women’s rights to reproductive care under the guise…