Member-only story
May Mania | Episode 15
Onesies, Union Suits, Longjohns, or Just Plain Underwear.
What counts in the world of onesies?
Keeley asked, “Do you own an adult onesie, and if so, when do you wear it?” Tomorrow’s prompt is, “What has been the most difficult thing you’ve had to sell?” My brain mashed them together, and thinking about onesies led to a possible solution for selling at events … hmmm.
I have owned three onesies as an adult although I’m not sure the first two qualify under the strict definition of a onesie.
The first two were actually men’s long underwear, longjohns, union suits.
It was when I was in my thirties. One day I went thrifting and saw a pair of 3XL men’s white longjohns. They were brand new and only two dollars. For an unknown reason, I immediately knew I had to have them.
I loved how saggy and baggy and huge they were. There was no restriction anywhere and with ribbed cuffs the extra fabric stayed where it was supposed to stay; the sleeves didn’t fall over my hands, nor did the legs fall over my feet. Even better? It had a butt flap, so unlike Karen or Adrienne, no adult nappies were required! It was great!
I wore them for several years during the winter.