InILLUMINATIONbyNancy OglesbyIf I Were a Plant What Would I Be?Just the name sums things up nicely!Jan 20, 202311Jan 20, 202311
Nancy OglesbyMy Emojis Tell a Story of Fun, Friendship, & FamilyWhat a fun prompt! What do your five most recent emojis say about you?Jan 29, 20237Jan 29, 20237
InThe Daily CuppabyNancy OglesbyBooks, Movies, or LifeFebruary Love | Episode 11Feb 11, 20233Feb 11, 20233
Nancy OglesbyKansas City Won Super Bowl LVIIAnd I’m in no frame of mind to write, but … the February Challenge!Feb 15, 20237Feb 15, 20237
InBJ’s This or That — The Gathering TablebyNancy OglesbyIndulgence Showdown: Fried Chicken & Watermelon or Sex?If Keeley Schroder had asked me this, “You can only have one. What’s it going to be? Sex or food?”Feb 22, 20233Feb 22, 20233
InBJ’s This or That — The Gathering TablebyNancy OglesbyMy Favorite Irish Blessing: May the Road Rise Up to Meet YouMight not be an Irish blessing after all.Mar 2, 202311Mar 2, 202311
InBJ’s This or That — The Gathering TablebyNancy OglesbyColorsNo way I’m going with just green. ;)Mar 3, 20238Mar 3, 20238
Nancy OglesbyHating on Green Animals Doesn’t Seem Fair, Does It?Keeley asked the question, “What green animal do you hate?”Mar 9, 202313Mar 9, 202313
InBJ’s This or That — The Gathering TablebyNancy OglesbyCambridge University & A Pot of Gold at the End of the RainbowWhoever thought I’d write that headline?Mar 11, 20237Mar 11, 20237